Lil abner gay sex art

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They go about their business washing clothes, fishing, and strumming their guitars when their peace is interrupted with the news that the United States government has deemed Dogpatch an “unnecessary town” that will soon be used to test the military’s new bomb. Set in the fictional rural Appalachian town of Dogpatch U.S.A., the characters begin the show just as they would any other day. The actors take this new performance element a step further, pretending to fish and hunt with guitars and other instruments while singing the day away. “New to KRT’s production, each actor will play a musical instrument at some point during the performance all while accompanied by a four piece on-stage band. A Broadway hit in 1956, the show won two Tony Awards and celebrates the denizens of Dogpatch USA and their customs, such as the not-to-be-missed Sadie Hawkins Day Race.” Li’l Abner by the Kinkaid Regional Theatre at the Pendleton County Fairgrounds, Kentucky!

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World-famous characters populate this upbeat show in a delightful mixture of hillbilly nonsense and sharp, critical humor. “A fun-filled, foot-stompin’ musical taken directly from the comics, LI’L ABNER is laced with gentle and knowing satire, rib-tickling gags, and a host of brash, catchy tunes.

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