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It’s unclear exactly what Venom 3 will be about when it eventually lands in theaters, but after 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, fans have been speculating that Hardy’s Venom and Spider-Man will finally meet. Marcel has been on hand as a writer for all three Venom films now, with Hardy once again set to return as Eddie Brock. Venom 3‘s story will once again come from Tom Hardy and Kelly Marcel, who provided the story for 2021’s Venom: Let There Be Carnage. In a picture shared on Instagram, Hardy showed the cover of a script, the name of which was crossed out and instead drawn over with a small design of Venom sticking his tongue out, with the tongue ending in the number “3.” RELATED: Venom 3 Officially Greenlit by Sony Pictures Tom Hardy has taken to social media to share that he is working on the script for the film.

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After it was announced earlier this year that a third Venom film would be coming, work on the film is now officially underway.

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